Early Bird Discount Available!

Subscribe now to enjoy exclusive discounts on all our plans. All plans are 50% off! Limited time offer!


Most Popular
Social Media Management
Number of social media platforms managed with a log of all changes made.
2 Platforms3 Platforms4 Platforms
Posts per Week
Number of posts we will create and manage per week.
Monthly Analytics Report
Receive a detailed monthly analytics report consisting of market trends depending on industry and how you can improve your company's revenue.
Email Verification
Email verification services included.
Financial Tracker & Business Health Score
Find out if your business is healthy or if it needs more help; financial tracker will tell you how your business is trending.
Web Design Planning & SEO Optimization Report
Get a report on web design planning and SEO optimization, this will be coupled with the Monthly Analytics Report.
Monthly Strategy Call
Monthly strategy call with our experts. Discussion of how to improve company's revenue, membership, and future planning.
Social Media Advertising Management
Management of social media advertising campaigns (i.e, Meta Ads).
Social Media Contests or Campaigns
Management of social media contests or campaigns.
Starting at $299.99/campaign

*All software that require payment must be paid by the client and not D1Serve.*

Contract-Based Pricing

In addition to our subscription-based plans, we offer a contract-based pricing model. This option allows clients to make a one-time payment for a specific set of services or a project, providing flexibility and tailored solutions to meet unique needs.

If you are interested in this plan, please email us at d1servellc@gmail.com, and we will be willing to negotiate a price and responsibilities.